Cathy Popick was trying to figure out how to make new friends after moving full time to Lake Geneva during the pandemic. She was pleasantly surprised to discover there were others in the area who were also wanting to create new connections, and so the Lake Geneva Social Club was created to provide that solution for all. Having worked in the beverage alcohol for over twenty years, Cathy was heartbroken by the impact the pandemic created on the bars, restaurants and venues and saw the effect it had in Walworth County. So she worked to host monthly events that would travel to varying parts of the region on slower nights of the week to drive incremental revenue for their partners and ensure that members would be motivated to discover new places in town. She knows ‘You cannot recommend where you haven’t been.’ In their first year, the Lake Geneva Social Club has held 9 events, promoted over 30 local businesses, and grown in membership of close to 2000 members.

Cathy is a proud Lake Geneva transplant who moved here with her husband Aaron, daughter Gia, and dog Coco. She is also the proud stepmom of Katie who attends Pepperdine Law School. In her spare time, she can be found walking the Lake Geneva shore path, studying stories of the Lake Geneva region and checking out all the local spots in town.


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